Thursday, April 24, 2014

Half Home Made Falafel Sandwich

There are few things in life I kinda vow not to learn how to do. Even though I either love it or need it. Making falafel is one of these things. I just enjoy the idea of someone do the hard work for me. Don't get me wrong I don't like putting people in a hard labor. But maybe they enjoy making falafel, actually, I don't. 
Back to the falafel. Falafel is one of the food I miss most from home. I can find it in every corner. Just like bad pizza in here. Also, don't get me wrong I love pizza. Just not the greasy mass produced ones. Again back to our subject. For sometime I was craving falafel sandwich. Where I live there isn't any place serves falafel near by. Even the ones that located 5 mi or more aren't that good. So, why to bother. 
Couple of weeks ago, I went to New York. And for some reason I forgot to step by Mamoun Falafel. (How stupid of me?!!). Side note: if you live in New York City or New Jersey area and love some good falafel try Mamoun's. 

The other day I was in Trader Joe's and a ready made falafel caught my eyes. So, I decided to give it a try. The result was nice. But if you're interested I would tell you how to make a proper falafel sandwich out of them.

This is basically how to make Tartour aka tahini sauce. With some tips on how to achieve the ultimate falafel sandwich (in my book). 

Serves 4 Sandwaches 

  • 1/4 cup tahini 
  • 1 lemon (juiced) 
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1 clove of garlic (minced) 
  • and add water slowly for thinning the tahini  
Add everything together, entail you reach the desired test/ consistency. And voila you have your tartour ready to serve.  
My tips for the ultimate sandwich is:

  • Always put your falafel on rack when heating, to have nice crunchy crust. 
  • I never add big chunks. I hate it when things start to fall from the sandwich. So, I cut everything as fine as I can. 
  • I don't like adding tomato, I think it has too much water and I don't like the feeling of the wetness in my sandwich.
  • Really after having your falafel and tartour there are no hard and fast rules for what to add to your sandwich. I like to add hot sauce, some adds sliced boiled egg, and fries (fries are not my style). I like adding lettuce (I know I forgot to buy one that's why there is no lettuce in the picture). Also, pickle is good. Just cut it to very fine pieces. 
And Bon Appetit...

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