Thursday, April 17, 2014

Stool DIY

I told you in my latest MWiP, that I tried to do some DIY to this BEKVÄM stool from IKEA. To be honest I wasn't planning to do anything with it. I was fine with it as is with a small planet pot on the top. I had it for almost two years. And just lately my Pinterest dashboard was full of pictures of the same stool looking uber cool. So, I was tempted to DIY mine. 

Nothing major. I had this coopery/ rose gold paint spry, I used in a previous DIY project. For quite some time I liked these dipped colored furniture I see in Pinterest. So, I decided to only paint the ends of the legs. In my head I felt it would look very chic and cool. The result wasn't very pleasing. I believe the color of the wood itself is very close to the color of the paint. And I didn't think it was a major change. My husband didn't notice it "yet". Putting in mind the stool is in a place you can't ignore. I can say it wasn't a successful mission. But I'm fine with it. At least it wasn't a disaster that requires an urgent re-DIY. 

I want to re-DIY it. However, I don't know what I want to do with it. I'm liking the half black one (top left). But I think I will do it with red paint, since I have a red couch. And I'm not sure I'm going to do it in the near future. Anyways, I will post at least a picture of it maybe in one of the MWiP if I reDIY it. Whether I like the results or not.

What's your favorite DIY of BEKVÄM stool? 

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