Friday, October 18, 2013

Nyx Cosmetics Powder Blush in Cinnamon

Couple of days ago I watched this video from Wayne Goss, (below). First, I have to say I find it always very entertaining to watch his videos. Secondly, I was super happy to see orange blush in action. I don't remember myself being happy to see any product in action before. I've been curious, but never happy. 

Months ago I was picking some American drugstore makeup for my sister. So, Nyx was in my list to choose from. There wasn't anything in particular in my mind. I just went to Ulta and decided to choose something I think it's going to be different and she wouldn't find it anywhere (where she lives). However, there was the usual offer "buy one and get %50 off for the other item". So, I decided to pick something for me too, but I wanted something I usually never choose, since it's going to be %50 off. In general, I can say I am a neutral, natural kinda girl. But, when I saw this orange blush in Cinnamon  I was super curious to try this color on me. After all, it was only $2.50 with discount. Plus, I heard a lot about Nyx's blushes, and I've never tried one before. So, why not?

The moment I put it on, I fell in love. I have to admit I love it when I got something for free or for very little amount of money and turns good. It was something different than my usual blushes. It gives the effect of a real sun-kissed skin. So, when my man Wayne said: "orange blush", I couldn't wait till the end of the video to go and try my lovely orange blush. Oh lord have I ever told you that I almost recreate every natural glowing no makeup makeup tutorial? Well I have. Yet, I've never been happy with the result as I am with this one. Long story short, I felt like if I was in Marrakech vacationing my whole life (need I say more?). If the last sentence doesn't convinces you to try both Wayne's advice and Nyx's Cinnamon. I'm not sure how can I do so.

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