Sunday, May 11, 2014

MWiP #8

Two months since my first MWiP. Isn't that something?! Don't worry I wont bored you with this broken recored every month. I'm just cheering up myself. It's my way to celebrate my commitment. Not that I don't commit on anything. I just tend to get lazy when I'm not obligate to do so. 

Clockwise: (1). Trying to blowout the taraxacum. No, she's not genius, she only mimicking me. (2). From Mary Katrantzou Fall 2014. This was my makeup inspiration this weekend. (3). I know, this is very 2013. But only this week I watched The Wolf of Wall Street. And It was superb. (4). Found this in Target. Isn't that a hip?!! (5). I was hoping to have brunch in this market this weekend. Not much luck, maybe next week. (fingers crossed) (6). Japanese Cherry Blossom room perfume from BBW. This how should home smell like. Love it. (7). Rain & Baklava. And yes it hurts me every time I hear someone doesn't pronounce it like this: "Bak-la-wah". The "V" only here, because in Turkish the letter "V" pronounced almost as "W".

See you next week. 

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