Sunday, March 23, 2014

MWiP #1

MWiP (My Week in Pictures), is a new thing I'm planning to post every week. It's going to be 7 pictures from my week. With comments on each one of these seven pictures. I'm really hoping to be a very fun post for both of us (you and me). Plus it will helps me to keep up with the blogging thing. Which I really enjoy.

Clockwise: (1). I bought this lovely denim romper with these sweet cherries prints from Target for $7.99. I think it's super cute and adorable (I'm in love). (2). Also this week my latest order from has arrived. I think I will talk about these two things in future posts (wait for it). (3). I know, I'm like hundred years behind, but fun fact, this is my first time trying one of these conveyor belt sushi type of restaurants. Good thing we really enjoyed it (4). If you didn't check yet, this week I post about a giveaway I'm hosting from Luvocracy. It's not a big one, but I enjoyed creating collection for Spring Must-Haves. Don't forget to check it and enter to win. (5). I found this masala chai when I was wandering in the tea aisle in my local grocery store. I love me some good tea. Also, I love masala chai, my favorite now is Twining Chai. Though, I didn't buy it, I think it would be something I want to try next. (6). I just hate having things I don't need or don't use. A friend gave me before she moved this mini chopper which I don't need. Now I'm trying to sell it on Craigslist finger crossed someone will be interested. (7). I started new Instagram called: starsmaquillage. It's basically, products I think you can with them recreate looks I loved from red-carpet, magazines and runway. I would really love if you check it and follow me over there.

See you next week. 

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